Rajarajan Academy App is an exclusive social learning and professionalnetworking platform. Rajarajan Academy for Distance Learning offersworld-renowned universities best distance education programs thatprovide essential tools and strategies for career starters, careerchangers, and career advancers. These distance Education programs aredesigned to provide working people and aspiring career professionalswith ability to get additional education quickly, conveniently andaffordably.Rajarajan Academy serves as a high tech study centre for IndianUniversities especially Alagappa University, Madurai Kamaraj University,Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, in the areas of higher education toprovide quality services to the student community. Rajarajan Academy hasbeen enrolling students at various levels including certificate,diploma, postgraduate diploma, under graduation, post graduation inArts, Science, IT, Paramedical and Management programs.Rajarajan Academy Networking and Social Learning Platform keeps theirmembers updated through instant messages, notifications, etc. It alsohelps in facilitating likeminded people or members to connect with eachother for peer education and social learning.Features:1. Professional Profile - Get your own personalised professional profileto create your online identity and increase your profile visibility.2. Social Learning - Share your knowledge, experience and expertise withyour peers and experts privately and securely with ease.3. Helps to increase memberships and manage their members profiles.4. Helps to stay connected with their members and help them connect witheach other.5. Can send instant messages, updates, notifications, announcements,etc.6. Provides an exclusive access to your digital library of e books,videos, literatures, etc.7. Helps to organise and conduct online events, workshops, conferences,etc.8. Can offer online courses and issue certificates for your membersskill/professional development.9. Helps in sending automated reminders for membership fees andcollecting payments online and much more.